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From the Bottom of the Ocean to the Earth

Formation of the Base of a Rootless Mountain

Oku-kuriyama Canyon

Oku-kuriyama CanyonShiraga-iwa marks the highest point in Shimonita Town. Kuriyama River that runs along the mountain has created the deep canyon by carving out chert deposits that accumulated at the bottom of the deep sea 100 million years ago. There are two waterfalls in the canyon; one called Sandan-no-taki (or Three-Step Falls) and the other Shoryu Falls. Striped layers of chert can be observed right by the falls.

There are two-hour hiking courses that can be enjoyed, especially during the foliage season when the scenery brightens up with vibrant fall colors.

Pillow Lava of Mogaki

Pillow Lava of MogakiPillow lavas occur when lava flows from a submarine volcano solidify underwater. They are created when lavas extruded from the underlying magma chamber cool to form a sac-like membrane that is still hot inside to inflate more lava. As this process produces a series of lobes that resemble stacked up pillows, these lobes are called pillow lavas.

Shiraishi Lime Hakuenka Plant and Limestone

The limestone in this area was formed by the calcification of corals and shells that lived in the warm ocean long time ago. The limestone has been harvested to produce calcium carbonate, which is used in our daily lives in the form of toothpaste and rubber, and essential for our lives.

Shiraishi Lime Hakuenka Plant